The Surah takes its name al-Mulk from the very first sentence.
It could not be known from any authentic tradition when this Surah was revealed, but the subject matter and the style indicate that it is one of the earliest Surahs to be revealed at Makkah.
In this surah, on the one hand, the teachings of Islam have been introduced briefly, and, on the other, the people living in heedlessness have been aroused from their slumber in a most effective way. A characteristic of the earliest surahs of the Makkan period is that they present the entire teachings of Islam and the object of the Holy Prophet's mission, not in detail, but briefly, so that they are assimilated by the people easily. Moreover, they are particularly directed to make the people shun heedlessness, to make them think, and to arouse their dormant conscience.
In the first five verses man has been made to realize that the universe in which he lives is a most well organized and fortified Kingdom in which he cannot detect any fault, any weakness or flaw, how ever hard he may try to probe. This Kingdom has been brought from nothing into existence by Allah Almighty Himself and All the powers of controlling, administering and ruling it are also entirely in Allah's hand and His power is infinite. Besides, man has also been told that in this wise system he has not been created without a purpose, but he has been sent here for a test and in this test he can succeed only by his righteous deeds and conduct.
In vv. 6-11, dreadful consequences of disbelief which will appear in the Hereafter have been mentioned, and the people told that Allah, by sending His Prophets, has warned them of these consequences in this very world, as if to say "Now, if you do not believe in what the Prophets say and correct your attitude and behavior accordingly, in the Hereafter you will yourself have to admit that you really deserved the punishment that was being meted out to you."
In vv. 12-15, the truth that has been impressed on the minds is that the Creator cannot be unaware of His creation, as if to say: "He is aware of each open and hidden secret of yours, even of the innermost ideas of your hearts. Hence, the right basis of morality is that man should avoid evil, fearing the accountability of the unseen God, whether in the world there is a power to take him to task for this or not, and whether in the world there is a possibility of being harmed by such a power or not. Those who adopt such a conduct in the world alone will deserve forgiveness and a rich reward in the Hereafter."
In vv. 15-23, making allusions, one after the other to those common truths of daily occurrence, which man does not regard as worthy of much attention, he has been invited to consider them seriously. It has been said: "Look: the earth on which you move about with full satisfaction and peace of mind, and from which you obtain your sustenance has been subdued for you by Allah; otherwise this earth might at any time start shaking suddenly so as to cause your destruction, or a typhoon might occur, which may annihilate you completely. Look at the birds that fly above you; it is only Allah Who is sustaining them in the air. Look at your own means and resources: if Allah wills to inflict you with a scourge, none can save you from it; and if Allah wills to close the doors of sustenance on you, none can open them for you. These things are there to make you aware of the truth, but you see them like animals, which are unable to draw conclusions from observations, and you do not use your sight, hearing and minds which Allah has bestowed on you as men; that is why you do not see the right way."
In vv. 24-27, it has been said: "You have ultimately to appear before your God in any case. It is not for the Prophet to tell you the exact time and date of the event. His only duty is to warn you beforehand of its inevitable occurrence. Today you do not listen to him and demand that he should cause the event to occur and appear prematurely before you; but when it does occur, and you see it with your own eyes, you will then be astounded. Then, it will be said to you "This is the very thing you were calling to be hastened."
In vv. 28-29 replies have been given to what the disbelievers of Makkah said against the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) and his Companions. They cursed the Holy Prophet and prayed for his and the believers destruction. To this it has been said: "Whether those who call you to the right way are destroyed, or shown mercy by Allah, how will their fate change your destiny? You should look after yourselves and consider who would save you if you were overtaken by the scourge of God?You regard those who believe in God and put their trust in Him as the misguided. A time will come when it will become evident as to who was misguided in actual truth.
In conclusion, the people have been asked this question and left to ponder over it "If the water which has come out from the earth at some place in the desert or hill country of Arabia and upon which depends your whole life activity, should sink and vanish underground, who beside Allah can restore to you this life giving water?"
En el nombre de Allah, el Misericordioso, el Compasivo.
Bendito sea Aquel en cuyas manos está la Soberanía y es Poderoso sobre todas las cosas.
Quien creó la muerte y la vida para probaros y ver cuál de vosotros sería mejor en obras. Y es el Insuperable sin igual, el Perdonador.
El que creó siete cielos, uno sobre el otro. No verás en la creación del Misericordioso ninguna imperfección. Vuelve la vista: ¿Ves algún fallo?
Vuelve a mirar una y otra vez, la vista regresará a ti derrotada y exhausta.
Hemos adornado el cielo de este mundo con luceros, dispuestos para lapidar a los demonios. Y a ellos les hemos preparado el castigo del Sair.
Y los que se niegan a creer en su Señor, tendrán el castigo de Ŷahannam. ¡Qué mal lugar de destino!
Cuando sean arrojados en él le escucharán como un horrible rebuzno y estará hirviendo.
A punto de reventar de rabia. Cada vez que algún grupo sea arrojado en él, les preguntarán sus guardianes: ¿Acaso no os llegó uno que os advirtió?
Dirán: Sí, nos llegó un advertidor, pero negamos la verdad y dijimos: Allah no ha hecho descender nada; no estáis sino en un extravío.
Y dirán: Si hubiéramos escuchado o hubiéramos tenido juicio, no estaríamos entre los compañeros del Sair.
Y reconocerán sus faltas. ¡Fuera con los compañeros del Sair!
Es cierto que los que temen a su Señor, cuando nadie los ve*, tendrán perdón y una gran recompensa.
Y tanto si guardáis en secreto lo que decís como si lo divulgáis... Él es Conocedor de lo que encierran los pechos.
¿No habría de tener conocimiento Aquel que ha creado y es el Sutil, al que nada se Le oculta?
Él es Quien ha hecho la tierra dócil para vosotros, caminad pues por sus confines y comed de Su provisión. A Él es el retorno.
¿Es que estáis a salvo de que Quien está en el cielo no haga que la tierra se hunda con vosotros en un temblor?
¿O estáis a salvo acaso de que Quien está en el cielo no envíe una pedrisca sobre vosotros? Entonces sabríais cómo es Mi advertencia.
Ya habían negado la verdad los que os precedieron. Y cómo fue Mi reprobación.
¿Es que no han visto las aves sobre ellos y cómo mueven sus alas? No las sostiene sino el Misericordioso. Realmente Él todo lo ve.
¿En quién tendréis un soporte que os auxilie, sino en el Misericordioso? Los incrédulos no están seducidos sino por un engaño.
¿Y quién será el que os provea, si Él retiene Su provisión? Sin embargo persisten en la insolencia y en el rechazo.
¿Acaso quien camina cabizbajo y tropezando de frente es como el que camina derecho por un camino recto?
Di: Él es Quien os ha creado y os ha dado el oído, la vista y el corazón. ¡Qué poco es lo que agradecéis!
Di: Él es Quien os ha repartido por la tierra y para Él seréis reunidos.
Y dicen: ¿Cuándo se cumplirá esta promesa si es verdad lo que decís?
Di: El conocimiento está junto a Allah; yo sólo soy un advertidor explícito.
Cuando la vean próxima, el mal se reflejará en el rostro de los que se negaron a creer y alguien dirá: Esto es lo que estabais pidiendo.
Di: Decidme: ¿Y si Allah me destruyera a mí y a los que conmigo están o se apiadara de nosotros? ¿Quién librará a los incrédulos de un doloroso castigo?
Di: Él es el Misericordioso, en Él creemos y en Él nos abandonamos. Ya sabréis quién es el que está en un claro extravío.
Di: ¿Qué haríais si vuestra agua se quedara en la profundidad de la tierra? ¿Quién podría traeros agua de manantial?